© 2025 - Responders On A Mission International. All rights reserved.

Outreach in the United States

Our Mission Statement

That every man, woman, and child will have the opportunity to see, hear, and respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever we are called through the use of our God given talents to provide Emergency First Responders training, education and support for their communities.

Our mission is not just internationally; it is also to outreach to emergency services personnel in the United States. We host quarterly connection events to encourage anyone in Emergency Service to fellowship, talk and lean on each other.

Support Groups are open to anyone, but we are geared specifically toward those in Emergency Services (Police, Fire, EMS, Military). We have bi-weekly support meetings in the Buffalo, NY area. If you are outside the Buffalo area, or can’t make it to the meeting, please register and a meeting link will be sent to you.

Emergency Services is a hard place to be at times. People who work in this field get to experience the joy of helping someone during a time of need, but also get to experience and see things that can cause issues in a personal life. Responders On A Mission wants to be able to reach Emergency Services Personnel and be a support group; a safe place where people can come talk about calls they have been on, or an experience they have had while helping someone. ROAM is committed to sharing the Gospel within the circles of Emergency Services, as currently there is minimal outreach for people working in this field.