© 2025 - Responders On A Mission International. All rights reserved.

Our Mission Statement

That every man, woman, and child will have the opportunity to see, hear, and respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever we are called through the use of our God given talents to provide Emergency First Responders training, education and support for their communities.

Who We Are

Responders On A Mission International (formerly Brothers Without Borders), is a group of Emergency Services Personnel (Fire, EMS, Police, Military, Nursing) that are passionate about sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others within our field. We have outreaches within the United States to provide Biblical based counseling to First Responders, from First Responders. We also travel internationally to share the Gospel, and provide training and resources to foreign Police, Fire, and EMS agencies.

How We Got Started

Responders On A Mission International (Formerly Brothers Without Borders), was founded by two men, Brandon Vizzi and Michael Parker. Brandon and Mike were both firefighters at Ellicott Creek Fire Company in Amherst, NY. One night after an officers meeting, Mike and Brandon met and talked about how they could create an outreach for emergency services abroad and at home in Western New York. After much prayer, God led them to Jeff Hackett, a missionary to the Dominican Republic. The three of them had lunch together, and from that October day in 2011, ROAM International was born.

First Responders who have heard to Gospel through ROAM

International Mission Trips

Members from the US who have gone on trips

Missionaries supporting ROAM Internationally

Interested in working with us or joining us on a trip? Contact us to chat!